Corticosteroids for treating optic neuritis
Abstract Background Optic neuritis is an inflammatory disease of the optic nerve. It usually presents with an abrupt loss of vision and recovery of vision is almost never complete. It occurs more commonly in women than in men. Closely linked in pathogenesis, optic neuritis may be the initial manifestation for multiple sclerosis. In some people, […]

Corticosteroids for the long-term treatment in multiple sclerosis
bstract Background Short term high dose corticosteroid treatment improves symptoms and short term disability after an acute exacerbation of multiple sclerosis (MS) but it is unknown whether its long-term use can reduce the accumulation of disability. Objectives To determine the efficacy and safety of long-term corticosteroid use in MS. Search methods We searched The Cochrane […]

Corticosteroids or ACTH for acute exacerbations in multiple sclerosis
Abstract Background Corticosteroids are commonly used to improve the rate of recovery from acute exacerbation in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. However, it is unclear just how effective these agents are and which is the best treatment schedule (type of drug, dose, frequency, duration of treatment and route of administration). This review is un update of […]